Gli studenti di 1 M e di 2 O hanno redatto, su invito della prof.ssa Philippa Armstrong, alcune lettere in inglese per esprimere la loro gratitudine alle persone che, in questo periodo di isolamento, hanno sentito particolarmente vicine. Alcune sono state lette dai ragazzi e registrate.  Ci sono anche due lettere indirizzate al coronavirus che i ragazzi invitano ad andare via presto e sono felici di salutare con un “goodbye for ever”

E noi siamo grati a Philippa per la sua bellissima idea e per tutto il lavoro fatto.

Caterina Degani

Ecco il primo audio (Riccardo Coppola 1M)

Ecco il secondo (Alexandra Gabresi 2O)

Ed ecco il terzo (Viola Barbieri 1M)

Ecco i testi

Dear front line workers,

It’s been almost four months since the beginning of our country lockdown. Those months have passed somehow both slowly and quickly. We went through  a hard time, trying to follow the rules that the government had given us and more or less we succeeded in this task. Now we are able to go out and enjoy out time more freely. But behind all this there have been people who went to work every day while we were at home.  The workers who were on the front line are the ones we should thank more because it is thanks to them that we can go out now: all the doctors and nurses that died trying to save sick people and all the people who worked to let us have food and primary needs always at hand. Those are the people we should thank first of all because they did so much and now the crisis that has fallen on us has become smaller in some way.

I hope these months of lockdown haven’t been too hard on people, I hope we can slowly ease ourselves of a worry and so we can go out and enjoy clean air and finally meet people we missed and still miss. I do hope the best for everyone

Chiara Pepe 1 M