I wrote this letter to Coronavirus and I talked to “him” as if it was a real person.
I’m an optimist and I know that in 2021 this quarantine will stop and we’ll make it

Dear coronavirus,
I don’t know if you are aware of what you have done but you made a disaster! You forced the whole world to stay home and you also did the worst thing that could happen, you killed people…Shame on you! Fortunately I wasn’t alone when you arrived and my friends and I helped each other to move on from this situation. We laughed together, we helped each other while you were walking around the streets reaping victims.
While you were out there I learnt one important thing: never postpone things that you can do instantly and that you don’t want to do because you are bored or tired because you might regret it. While I was in quarantine I took up new hobbies and I even met new friends.
I hope that you’ll think and reflect about what you have done and I want you to know that I will not forgive you. I prefer that you don’t answer this letter, I don’t want you in my life.
Goodbye for ever